Friday, September 24, 2010


Abyssinian Guinea Pigs, Rough Haired and Roseetted
Abyssinian Guinea Pigs has a very unique appearance. The coat of Abyssinian Guinea Pigs is made up of multiple swirls of hair. Abyssinian Guinea Pigs fur is quite dense compare with normal guinea pig, and it radiates in circles from multiple points on the body to make up a series of whirls , as common called as rosettes. For the show standard, Abyssinian Guinea Pigs must have a minimum of 8 rosettes, in a symmetrical pattern. Most Abyssinian Guinea Pigs look like they have moustaches, a cap and a tutu on. Hairless guinea pigs Hairless guinea pigs have no or little hair. They are mainly found in Armerica but are likely to be found in Europe and the rest of the world.