Friday, July 23, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Guinea pigs (also called cavies after their scientific name) are rodents belonging to the family Caviidae and the genus Cavia. Despite their common name, the animals are not pigs, nor do they come from Guinea. Male guinea pigs are called boars, females sows and babies are called pups.
Other things to avoid:
- Mixes or treats with nuts, seeds, dried fruit and dyed pieces.
- Dairy and meat products (cavies are herbivores)
- Seeds in husks can be a choking hazard.
- Cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, collards, bok choy, broccoli) may cause gas in your pet and are best offered sparingly and infrequently.
- Mineral wheels. Never use Tang (which contains dyes, refined sugars, and very little vitamin C) in drinking water.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Fatwa Jakim Mengenai Mengembirikan Binatang Peliharaan
Jakim telah pun mengeluarkan satu ketetapan pada tahun 2002, yang menyebut :
Bahawa mengembiri binatang kesayangan seperti kucing atau anjing hukumnya adalah diharuskan dengan sebab-sebab tertentu iaitu bagi menjaga muslahat ummah.
All pets like cats and dogs are allowed to be neutered or spayed in order to maintain the health and welfare of both the animals and the community.
After studying the messages of the aforementioned mazhab's and the medical viewpoint, JAKIM has decided that neutering of cats for reasons of 'maslahat' is acceptable. It is in agreement with 'qaedah' (way) Fiqhiyyah which states "To choose the lesser of two evils".
Dipetik dari FelineMalaysia.com
Bahawa mengembiri binatang kesayangan seperti kucing atau anjing hukumnya adalah diharuskan dengan sebab-sebab tertentu iaitu bagi menjaga muslahat ummah.
All pets like cats and dogs are allowed to be neutered or spayed in order to maintain the health and welfare of both the animals and the community.
After studying the messages of the aforementioned mazhab's and the medical viewpoint, JAKIM has decided that neutering of cats for reasons of 'maslahat' is acceptable. It is in agreement with 'qaedah' (way) Fiqhiyyah which states "To choose the lesser of two evils".
Dipetik dari FelineMalaysia.com
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Feline Rhinotracheitis | Dos pertama ( 12 minggu ) |
Feline Calcivirus | Dos kedua ( selepas 3-4 minggu ) |
Feline Panleucopenia | Dos penggalak ( setiap tahun ) |
- Murah
- Merangsang sistem ketahanan / pelalian untuk jangka masa panjang
Anda sepatutnya menumpukan lebih banyak tenaga dan masa pada cara-cara untuk mencegah penyakit dari cuba merawat ternakan yang sakit "CEGAH SEBELUM KENA "
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