Monday, October 31, 2011

BSH tortoiseshell female - SOLD

The females' average weight is up to 5–7 kg. As with many breeds, the adult males may also develop prominent cheek jowls that distinguish them from their female counterparts. The typical lifespan of this breed is 14 to 20 years. The tortoiseshell pattern is refer for female. All colours and patterns also come in the tortoiseshell pattern, which is a combination of red and cream with other colours.

Thursday, October 27, 2011



Diceritakan dalam suatu kisah, Nabi Muhammad SAW memiliki seekor kucing yang diberi nama Mueeza.
Suatu ketika, dikala nabi hendak mengambil jubahnya, di temuinya Mueeza sedang terlelap tidur dengan santai diatas jubahnya. Kerana tidak mahu mengganggu haiwan kesayangannya itu, nabi pun memotong belahan lengan yang ditiduri Mueeza dari jubahnya.

Ketika Nabi kembali ke rumah, Muezza terbangun dan tunduk sujud kepada tuannya. Sebagai balasan, nabi menyatakan kasih sayangnya dengan mengusap lembut ke badan kucing baginda itu sebanyak 3 kali. Dalam peristiwa lain, setiap kali Nabi menerima tetamu di rumahnya, nabi selalu menggendong mueeza dan di taruh di pahanya.

Salah satu sifat Mueeza yang nabi sukai ialah dia selalu mengeow ketika mendengar azan, dan seolah-olah suaranya terdengar seperti mengikuti lantunan suara azan. Kepada para sahabatnya, nabi selalu berpesan untuk menyayangi kucing peliharaan, seperti menyayangi keluarga sendiri.

Hukuman bagi mereka yang menyakiti haiwan manja ini sangatlah berat, dalam sebuah hadis shahih Al Bukhori, dikisahkan tentang seorang wanita yang tidak pernah memberi makan kucingnya, dan tidak pula melepas kucingnya untuk mencari makan sendiri. Nabi S.A.W pun menjelaskan bahawa hukuman bagi wanita ini adalah siksaan neraka.


Tak hanya nabi, isteri nabi sendiri, Aisyah binti Abu Bakar Ash Shiddiq pun amat menyukai kucing, dan merasa amat kehilangan dikala ditinggal pergi oleh si kucing. Seorang sahabat yang juga ahli hadis, Abdurrahman bin Sakhr Al Azdi diberi jolokan Abu Hurairah (bapak para kucing jantan), kerana kegemarannya dalam merawat dan memelihara berbagai kucing jantan dirumahnya.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Personality Characteristics of the Doll-Face Persian
Doll-face Persians are well known for their sweet and gentle natures. They treasure security and serenity, but if given patience, love and ample opportunity, they will adapt to most households and adjust to their new environments.

(Sold 18/10/11)

The voice of a Persian is quiet and doesn’t grate on the ears, like some other breeds. They have expressive faces and beautiful eyes that they also use to communicate with their owners. They tend to be restive, rather than active and are down-to-earth, preferring to keep their paws on solid ground, rather than up climbing the drapes.

(sold 16/10/11)
Doll-face Persians are fun-loving and playful, demanding little but care and affection. Good companions, doll-face Persians make wonderful pets for people of all ages.

Friday, October 14, 2011


If you are looking for a sweet, affectionate and gentle cat with a beautiful fur coat, Persian kittens are all that and more. These long haired cats are a popular pet a round the world.

D.O.B 15 AUGUST 2011


Anak BSH biasanya agak pendiam, mereka tidak kerap meng ‘meeoww’ tetapi kadang-kadang mereka akan meng ‘meeoww’ dengan suara yang lembut. BSH ini adalah sejenis kucing yang lembut, tenang dan sangat akrab dengan budak-budak kecil dan binatang-binatang lain. BSH ialah kucing yang kurang aktif berbanding baka-baka lain. Sifatnya yang sangat manja dengan tuannya menyebabkan dia sering mengekori kemana saja tuannya pergi dari mengelak ditinggalkan sendirian.
D.O.B 18 AUGUST 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Grooming a British shorthair is easy. Because of the Brit's dense undercoat, a good once a week combing for five to ten minutes with a good quality steel comb is recommended. However, breeders recommend daily grooming during the spring and fall shedding seasons to keep your Brit looking beautiful and avoid a blanket of hair on everything you own. Bathing your Brit is not needed unless you plan to show.

The grooming aspect of caring for your British Shorthair is quite simple. With the texture of their coat being rough and thick, a once a week combing should be sufficient to remove loose hairs and particles of dirt.

If your short on time, but still want a cat, the unassuming, self contained personality of a British Shorthair is definitely worth looking in to. It’s sure to be a perfect fit.

D.O.B 21 AUGUST 2011

16 October 2011, 6pm she go to new house at Kelana Jaya, Petaling Jaya with new owners Pn. Azrina and family. hope she will find and happy with them.. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


18 AUGUST 2011

Tuesday, October 11, 2011



D.O.B: 21 JULY 2011

Thursday, October 6, 2011

06/10/11 She's left from my cattery...

Last night on 6 oct 2011, at 10.30pm she’s arrived to the new owner which is Iran couple. The new owner looks very happy with her. I hope that she’s safe with them...
thanks, ROAYA...